Saturday, 21 November 2009

"In fact, something isn't right."


You ask yourself why Gerald went into his apartment through the front door while the one at the back is closer to the restaurant and doesn't need a key. The parents insist that it was visible from the restaurant and that no one could have walked in without being noticed.

But that's false, as we were easily able to verify. At night, with the surrounding vegetation and the opaque plastic tarpaulin that protects the dining room of the restaurant, visibility is nil: anybody could have got into theMcCanns' apartment without being noticed, particularly as most of the guests had their back to the apartment.
- Strange, all the same, this burglar who enters by the door and goes out through the window with a four-year-old child in his arms. It would have been easier to go back out by the same door.

- In fact, something isn't right.
- Someone is hiding something...
- You could say they were sharing a secret.




    - Ocultar texto citado -
    Miércoles, 25/11/09. Actualizado hace 1 minuto
    Haz de tu página de inicio | 530.812 lectores diarios (OJD octubre 2009)
    El Caso Madeleine
    Madeleine McCann desapareció el 3 de mayo de 2007 del apartamento en el que dormía en un complejo turístico del Algarve portugués, mientras sus padres cenaban en un restaurante cercano.
    Artículo 28 de 31 en Internacional « Anterior - Siguiente »
    El inspector luso del caso Madeleine, acusado de tortura durante el interrogatorio de una investigación similar

    Gonçalo Amaral y cuatro policías más agredieron supuestamente en un interrogatorio a la madre de una niña desparecida.
    La Policía podría registrar la iglesia de Praia da Luz.

    Además, solicitarían el análisis del diario privado de Kate McCann.

  2. "The door was lieing open" Philomena McCann described this scene inside the apartment as Kate McCann arrived for her check.

    Kate McCann had used her key to access the apartment through the front door to discover Madeleine gone.

    The McCanns nor anyone else did not use the patio doors. The patio doors remained closed and unused throughtout the entire supposed "rigourous checking" routine.

    According to Philomena McCann and Kate McCann only the door was lieing.
